School Activities

Our sports project in each school is focused on providing quality training services in the different modalities chosen, where the educational, playful - sports and healthy factor will prevail at all times, advising, coordinating and executing its correct development.

The regular practice of physical activity for all students is supportive of physical and mental health while promoting social relationships outside the classroom environment. It has been shown that practicing sports allows one to get to know oneself, raises self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as positively enhances many other psychological aspects.

Our programs will be designed taking into account the needs and characteristics of our students so that they are the fundamental tool for learning and enjoying our classes.

Another of our goals will be the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the mobilization of women's sports, promoting equality between women and men with mixed teams.

Educational Plan: SAofS

 Soccer Academy of Spain Company

Soccer Academy of Spain is a small society and, as such, it needs a series of rules that regulate the coexistence of the educational community and allow knowing the correct line of action that is expected of each of its members. These rules help us organize and structure our daily work and being part of them makes our students an active part of the educational project.

We will highlight some of them:

  • Under the motto "No player is as good as all of them together", it is proposed to carry out a presentation aimed at all the students of the school and their families.

  • Monthly notes to inform families about our exhaustive individual monitoring of each user.

  • Establish an active and positive methodology so that it has an effect on the demand for our extracurricular activities of soccer and other sports..

  • Create a teaching style where respect, education, order, enjoyment and the complete satisfaction of the students prevail.

Our style


The orientation that from Soccer Academy of Spain, we want to give to this project is mainly educational - training, promoting mixed school sport from an early age.

As for our athletes, the only thing that counts is that they can participate regardless of individual characteristics, since we are committed to the Technical Staff is adapting to the needs of each of the users, reinforcing positively, which will affect their motivation towards exercise.

Our coaches do not shout, they do not lose form, they are polite and affectionate since we establish very clear rules of action from the first day. Beyond results, actions, competition, there are the experiences lived and we want all of them to be positive since we know from our experience that they will be useful for their future actions in all aspects of life.

Sports education,  social, and attitudinal values prevails over anything else, setting an example first through our Technical Staff..

The main goals in our work as coaches are:

  • Complement the training - educational process of the students through a sports environment of well-being and health.
  • Provide each student with the sports training they need according to their interests and abilities.
  • Promote solidarity work with colleagues for the collective common good.
  • Strengthen sports habits by educating in healthy lifestyles.
  • Train future practitioners and spectators of sport in its different types of sports activity.
  • Help future sports talents to have a good educational - training base


    Action Plan

    We´re  SAOFS


    Soccer Academy of Spain will promote the maximum possible participation in the different sports modalities as school activities, developing plans that favor the continuity of the students' sports practice throughout their school life.

    The sports project will promote the participation of all schoolchildren.

    Work out

    The number of sessions per week is two. adapting the schedules and tracks according to availability or as convenient for the school. The trainings are continuous throughout the school year

    In the event of rain, Soccer Academy of Spain has a contingency control, to recover the missed classes or a schedule to carry out theoretical classes in the classroom.

    The goals and contents of the programs will be included in the monthly reports that the user families of our extracurricular activities will receive.

    Our active methodology is open and flexible, organized by projects based on real game situations, the specific technical qualities of the sport, the physical qualities of the stage of maturity and psychological - social and educational aspects.

    Sport Quality

    Quality Education

    Management Index

    • In the style section, the rules of respect for the values and attitudes in the teacher-student relationship are set: Use of appropriate language, sportswear, habits, manners...
    • We have a decalogue of fair play and good spectators of school sports.
    • All families will be informed of the COVID 19 protocol
    • Subjective and objective assessment surveys will be carried out regarding the quality of the service
    • The directors and head of coaches from SAOFS will meet periodically with the technical staff, the school management and the families of the students in order to continuously propose proposals for improvements.
    • All coaches will have the required qualification for each position to be held. They will be the ones who will evaluate the progress and achievement of the objectives established for the students, informing the coordinator and the sports director as well as the parents through the reports. monthly.