Active Methodology
To the greater number of technical-tactical resources available for each real game situation, the greater the probability of making the right decision.

The SAofS active methodology in soccer has a playful character, since learning is promoted through play; a lively character, since it is experienced and actively confronted with the aim of confronting ideas, technical-tactical resources and learning; and a creative and flexible character, since there is no rigid model.
"Soccer players are the true protagonists of their learning and develop their own autonomy and responsibility as they make their own decisions on the field of play and in the construction of certain behaviors with the aim of positively resolving each action".
What is the process?
Active Methodology: SAOFS
We will work regardless of the age of the group, for technical-tactical projects (real actions that take place during a soccer match)
These projects have been programmed by SAOFS according to the stages, competition levels, characteristics and needs of each team.
Once the project has been recognized and programmed, the coach will be in charge of transmitting the mechanisms of action (in attack or defense) by visualizing them and their corresponding detailed explanation.
The soccer players will now be responsible for their own learning, developing search, selection, analysis and information evaluation skills.
We start with the real drill where the soccer player actively participates (respecting and knowing the principle of individuality and positioning on the field) to begin to live and experience the action freely through various responses.
After practicing the drill, the soccer players carry out processes of reflection on what they do, how they do it and what results they achieve.
The assimilation process of the project is transferred to the drills in reduced spaces rich in technical-tactical mechanisms in the form of positional games, possessions, attack-defense, small-sided soccer, modified matches... emphasizing other principles of the game model such as the speed in the game, the constant supports, movements without the ball, the creation of spaces, the security pass, the precision in the passes, the search for the third man, developing aspects such as autonomy, critical thinking, collaborative attitudes, skills and technical-tactical skills and a capacity for self-assessment that allows us to continuously improve.
We continue to break down the drills towards an objective and technical requirement that will trigger the automation of the gesture, the precision in the execution, the profile of the body in each movement, the balance of the soccer player and his/her ability with the ball.
Once the soccer player knows the entire learning process, group awareness and individual and collective reflection on the reality of the technical-tactical project are developed when returning to the real action of the match.
In each established technical-tactical project, the fundamental keys will be: - The role of the soccer player is active and has great responsibility in the learning process with their attention, attitude and motivation, and the role of the professional coach is to guide, motivate , help, facilitate and give tools to their soccer players..