Individual Technical Program

We adapt to the characteristics, levels and circumstances of each athlete so that each session is essential for their use and improvement of performance.
Priority and fundamental goal of each session
- Decision making in every circumstance of the game
It will be necessary for SAofS coaches to know:
- Whether or not the club has an established game model for all its teams.
- The individual goals of the educational project
- Soccer players and their resources: What are their innate biological and cognitive conditions, their biological and chronological age and experiences (result of what they have lived and learned)
- The potential of the soccer players: It is not so important but it is advisable that each small group have the same needs and characteristics in their skills and abilities.
- Category in which you are going to compete: You need as much information as possible about the estimated competitive demands
Main Features
We combine in each session all the aspects that we believe are most important for the soccer player:
- Psychological and social aspect
- Environment
- Physical appearance
- Technical aspect
- Tactical aspect
Within each aspect, we will identify a series of items accompanied by an assessment scale that will measure the degree of presence or mastery of said characteristic in the player.
After each session, our coaches will carry out a continuous evaluation that will allow us to know the distance that each footballer is from the ideal profile to, from there, estimate the acceptable competitive demands and set the individual training objectives of each one.
If the soccer's family considers it appropriate, we have individualized monitoring of their performance in matches at their disposal to identify their pattern of play and how to improve it, evolve it and adapt it to their physical, technical and tactical qualities in order to to optimize and improve all facets of your game.